District of Columbia officials have released a proposal that would change school boundaries and feeder patterns. The proposal comes after months of workby the Deputy Mayor of Education and an Advisory Committee of parents, community members, and other experts (click here to see the Washington Post’s coverage).
District residents are invited to attend a community meeting on the proposals or provide testimony at a public oversight roundtable of the Council’s education committee on June 26th.
All Roads Lead to Eastern
The Advisory Committee based its proposal on the following principles:
- Predictable public school pathways for families.
- High quality schools of right in every neighborhood.
- Access to public school choices other than assigned schools.
- Walkable and safely accessible DCPS elementary schools.
- Diversity in student enrollment.
- Coherent and efficient citywide public school infrastructure.
These principals are in-line with Companies for Causes’ efforts to support Eastern Senior High School and its community of schools. We look forward to continuing our work with Eastern and its community of schools and, over time, bringing our model to additional communities across the District.