This summer, six Eastern Senior High School students from the school’s innovative Health & Medical Science Academy (HMSA) served in internships this summer with MedStar Health via the Rx for Success program. The students worked across MedStar Health in Neurosurgery, the Cancer Institute, the SiTEL lab, as well as in nursing and rehabilitation. These internships are the end of a year-long, competitive ‘Easternship’ program coordinated by CforC and supported by our corporate partners.
The ‘Easternship’ program is designed to build upon lessons that the students learn throughout the year in the classroom. Through the program, CforC brings in corporate and nonprofit partners to provide professional development lessons. The lessons, including topics ranging from communication and etiquette to resume writing and interviewing are designed to help students prepare for success in a professional workplace.
Via the partnership with MedStar Health, HMSA students are invited to participate in MedStar’s Rx for Success program, an 8-week internship, following successful completion of the Easternship professional development series. During the course of the summer, students work 20 hours a week at their Rx for Success placement and come back together each Friday for additional professional development or community service coordinated by Companies for Causes. During these summer sessions, we focus on college admissions, financial literacy, and other topics to prepare students for success in college and life. Through community service days, students are exposed to additional careers in community health. Throughout the summer, students gain a mix of hands-on skills as well as training to learn what to expect in college and beyond.
Companies for Causes would like to specifically thank Raffa, PC for their support throughout the internship. Raffa staff coordinated and participated in multiple sessions for the students, including lessons on professional communications, resume writing and interviewing, and building their personal ‘brand.’
As MedStar Health’s Nursing Director of the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit Linda Conley, one of the internship supervisors, noted, “It is obvious that our partnership with the team at Eastern will benefit everyone involved. The students I met were all exceptional!”
Eastern students in the HMSA program take at least one extra science course each year and have self-identified an interest in careers in the health care industry. Via CforC’s partnership with MedStar, students visit the Hospital center for tours and conversations with executives and medical professionals to learn about different career options in medical fields. With CforC’s advocacy and support, Eastern students will be able to take an EMT course and receive their EMT certification this school year.
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